wave 1 | wave2 | combinating package |
(years) | (years) | (years) |
4 | 3 | 12 |
3 | 3.5 | 21 |
4 | 3.5 | 28 |
years, the built-up 'fundamental'
Using G21 and G28 it is possible to describe all outer planets.Suppose that during ignition of the sun mixtures of hot gases have burst out, gases that formed the planets. Then the revolutions of the planets around the sun can be calculated.
In the preceding text, we observed several waves as well as wave packages of 12 years, 21 years and 28 years and later on also of 6 years, 10.5 years and 14 years.
A characteristic feature of these wave packages is that they contain several of the factors 2, 3 and 3.5. At the top of table 4 we have included some more wave packages that meet these conditions : (84/2 , 84/3 , 84/4 , ... , 84/n). Using the list of whole numbers in the table and multiplying them, we will attempt to calculate the revolutions of the planets.
For example, multiplying 10.5 in the upper row with 10 in the same column, yields 105 which is found in column labelled T.B., while the column next to it mentions the number of 100, which refers to the desired revolution around the sun. So the number of 105 is quite a close calculation of this revolution with a whole number of wave packages. The same applies for 14 x 600 = 8400, while the column next to it mentions 8401, Uranus. But it also goes that 10.5 x 800 = 8400. There are many possibilities.
The numbers calculated must still be multiplied with 10-2 to find the revolutions in years. Using the numbers in bold we have calculated column T.B.
Initially it was said that by adding nG wave packages to a certain circular orbit, the
radius of the circle will become bigger.
There is a connection between the two, through nG . The rays of the planet orbits meet the Law of Titius-Bode, but this means the revolutions around the sun must also meet this Law. The column of numbers in bold is the Law of Titius-Bode.
In formula:
planet | factors in distance | revolution |
n + 2 | 4 + 3 2 n |
It is a known fact that by doing so it is not possible to find Neptune. This Law indicates the number of wave packages that are on the various planet orbits but says nothing about the lengths of the wave packages involved.
The Law of Titius-Bode is a simple description of the planetary system insofar as it concerns the distances and revolutions of the planets. This Law may even be seen to be a cryptogram concerning the generation of our planetary system. This may be read from table 4 Obviously Pluto also takes part in the Kuiper-belt.
If we only use the Law of Titius-Bode in table 4 , the revolutions of the small planets are found on the left side of the dark line, while those of the large planets are found using the numbers to the right of the dark line.
The waves and wave packages on the left can be primarily characterised by a wave of
6 10-2 years
and those to the right by a wave of
7 10-2 years.
Apparently, two types of waves were of influence on the origin of the planetary system. In one spot, in the overlap (at the dark line near 14) they had such an opposing effect on each other that only debris could be formed: the Planetoids.
During the formation of the planetary system a similar dangerous situation existed in the neighbourhood of the Earth. According to table 4 , the revolution time of the Earth around the sun may be approximated by means of G12 and G21. In this region these sets of waves easily may counteract each other. They may form either debris or two planets of different origin close together. The latter may only take place by a slow accumulation of the various elements present in the rotating cloud. Such a beautiful planet like the Earth can only come into being in a quiet environment. Therefore the existance of the Earth and its large Moon is something special, a particularity of our planetary system.
To compute the true distances of the planets to the sun in kilometres, all terms of Titius-Bode's law must be multiplied by one and the same number :
150     10 5 (in this Law, the Earth is already 10).
According to table 4 , however, the revolutions of the various planets also complies with the Law of Titius-Bode. One would expect that these too would have to be multiplied by one number to find the revolutions. However, looking at table 4 we can see that for every planet a different wave or different wave package must be used to obtain the correct revolution. These can be harmonised by positioning the waves and wave packages on the planet orbits with the speed of light (9460 109 kilometres a year). We can then use the waves and wave packages to bring the planet concerned to the revolution appropriate to it.
In doing so, it seems likely that glaring hydragon "light" and helium "light" both gave rise to fiercely trembling magnetic fields in the rotating cloud. By reflection standing waves may have come into being.
All planets are now revolving around the sun in the same direction and the angular momentum has been transferred onto them. It is impossible for the sun to make a catastrophic pirouette.
In general all suns flaring up will also try to evade this somehow. It seems that the most obvious way to do so is to create a double star as this is often found. To create a stable planetary system a few more additional conditions have to be met.
Part of the trembling magnetic field is still present in the solar wind. According to Rozelot (5) the solar wind contains the following waves:
0.137, 2.19, 2.83, 3.75, 4.9, 7.03, 8.56, 10.2, 12.2, 14.8 years.
We recognize the four numbers printed in bold. We have come across the three numbers underlined through the periodic behaviour of some meadow plant species. This brings us back to the beginning of this article.
The Law of Titius-Bode approximates both the distances of the planets from the sun and their times of revolution around the sun. The first step of the Law suggests that the larger planets have been formed first and after that the smaller planets have come into being.
The Earth scarcely escaped from destruction.
The Law of Titius-Bode turned out to be a cryptogram referring to the evolution of our planetary system. The behaviour of some groups of plants on Earth indicated how to unriddle the mystery.
Looking back on the entire article, it appears that one and the same principle is discussed over
and over again.
A certain amount of energy which remains constant for some time, is subdivided into energy waves. The cooperation between several of these waves sometimes results in the formation of various planets and sometimes in the adjustment of various plant species to one of those planets. Nature departs from a number of simple, basic principles which are applied in various ways. As a result, many highly ingenuous structures are formed with a mutual relationship which is scarcely perceptible or not at all. |
With 10 figures we calculate everything.
With 30 letters we can describe all languages.
With 90 elements we can visualize all chemicals.
With 270 principles an image of the universe is formed.
With all this extensive knowledge we still know nothing.
Formation | class |
I | 1 to 6 | water plants and plants on boundary water - land |
II | 7 | plants in chasms and on walls |
III | 8 to 13 | pioneer vegetations annual | |
IV | 14 to 15 | pioneer vegetations perennial | |
V | 16 to 18 | pioneer vegetations perennial, on distburbed soil, nitrogen-rich | |
VI | 19 | pioneer vegetations, high groundwater, mostly constantly wet | |
VII | 20 to 23 | plants on grass land, dry, above groundwater | |
VIII | 24 to 25 | plants on grass land, humid, influence of groundwater | |
IX | 26 to 28 | plants on peat; vegetation rises and falls according to level of groundwater |
X | 29 to 30 | plants on high moor peat bulges, heath, matgrass lands | |
XI | 31 | brushwood communities, soil dry and lime-rich | |
XII | 32 to 34 | shrubs | |
XIII | 35 to 38 | woods |
ruderal, wood and meadow | |
achillea millefolium | water milfoil |
agrostis stolonifera | |
dactylis glomerata | cocksfoot |
epilobium hirsutum | hairy willow-herb |
poa pratensis | meadow grass |
ruderal and meadow | |
agrostis tenuis | |
elytrigia repens | couch grass |
sedum acre | stonecrop |
sonchus palustris | sow thistle |
vicia sativa augustifolia | vetch (small-leafed) |
ruderal | |
artemisia vulgaris | |
bromus mollis | brome (soft) |
capsella bursa-pastoris | shepherd's purse |
chenopodium album | goosefoot |
cichorium intybus | chicory (wild) |
cirsium vulgare | thistle (spear) |
cirsium arvense | thistle (field) |
digitalis purpurea | foxglove |
dipsacus fullonum | teasel (wild) |
juncus effusus | soft rush |
lamium purpureum | dead nettle (purple) |
lamium album | dead nettle (white) |
mentha rotundifolia | mint (white) |
oenothera biennis | evening primrose |
papaver dubium | poppy (small) |
petasites hybridius | butterbur |
polygonum persicaria | redshank |
ranunculus arvensis | buttercup (field) |
sisymbrium officinale | hedge mustard (ordinary) |
solanum nigrum | nightshade (black ) |
solidago canadensis | |
sonchus arvensis | milk thistle (field) |
tanacetum vulgare | tansy |
thlaspi arvense | pennycress |
utrica urens | stinging-nettle (small) |
ruderal and wood | |
aegopodium podagraria | goutweed |
alliaria petiolata | garlic mustard |
bromus sterilis | brome (thin) |
calystegia sepium | convolvulus (hedge) |
galium aparine | cleavers |
glechoma hederacea | ground ivy |
lamium maculatum | dead nettle (spotted ) |
lolium perenne | rye-grass (English) |
lychnis flos-cuculi | cuckooflower (day) |
origanum vulgare | marjoram (wild) |
poa trivialis | meadow grass (rough) |
ranunculus repens | buttercup (creaping) |
rumex obtusifolius | sorrel |
stellaria graminea | chickweed |
urtica dioica | stinging-nettle (large) |
vicia sepium | vetch (hedge) |
wood | |
acer pseudoplatanus | maple |
alnus glutinosa | alder (black) |
betula pendula | birch |
corylus avellana | hazel |
doronicum willdenowii | doronicum (bastard) |
heracleum mantegazzianum | hogweed (large) |
hesperis matronalis | dame's violet |
populus nigra | ( poplar Lombardy) |
quercus robur | oak (summer) |
rosa villosa | rose (rose-hip) |
rubus idaeus | raspberry |
salix caprea | willow (wood) |
salix aurita | willow (eared) |
salix alba | willow (white) |
stellaria holostea | chickweed (large flowers) |
wood and meadow | |
anthriscus sylvestris | cow parsley |
crepis paludosa | |
epilobium parviflorum | loosestrife (small-leafed ) |
eriophorum vaginatum | cotton grass (annual) |
heracleum sphondylium | hogweed |
hieracium lachenalii | hawkweed |
holcus lanatus | |
hypericum perforatum | St John's wort |
iris pseudacorus | iris (yellow) |
myosotis scorpioides | forget-me-not (marsh) |
plantago lanceolata | plantain (small-leafed) |
prunella vulgaris | self-heal |
ranunculus acris | buttercup (kingcup) |
ranunculus ficaria | lesser celandine |
rumex acetosa | sorrel (field |
meadow | |
angelica sylvestris | angelica |
bellis perennis | daisy |
cardamine pratensis pratensis | lady-smock |
centaurera pratensis | knapweed |
cerastium semidecandrum | mouse-ear (sand) |
chrysanthemum leucanthemum | moondaisy |
crepis biennis | |
epilobium palustre | loosestrife (marsh) |
equisetum palustre | |
festuca pratensis | bluegrass |
hieracium aurantiacum | hawkweed (orange) |
hieracium caespitosum | hawkweed (meadow) |
juncus subuliflorus | rushes (marsh) |
lotus uliginosus | bird's-foor (marsh) |
myosotis ramosissima | forget-me-not (rough) |
phleum pratense | |
potentilla tabernaemontani | tormentil (spring) |
potentilla reptans | potentilla |
ranunculus lingua | buttercup (big) |
satureja acinos | thyme (rock, small) |
sedum album | sedum (white) |
taraxacum | dandelion |
trifolium pratense | clover (red) |
trisetum flavescens | oat-grass (golden) |
valeriana officinalis | valerian |
plants unclassified | |
ajuga reptans | |
alchemilla vulgaris | |
borage officinalis | borage |
cardamine hirsuta | meadow cress (small) |
crocus vernus tomasinianus | crocus |
festuca rubra | |
geranium molle | wild geranium |
hypochaeris radicata | |
lunaria annua | satinflower |
malva moschata | moschatel |
pulmonaria officinalis | lungwort |
sempervivum tectorum | houseleek |
1. | V. Westhoff, P.A. Bakker, C.G. van Leeuwen, E.E. van der Voo. Wilde planten. Vereniging tot Behoud van Natuurmonumenten in Nederland |
2. | V. Westhoff and A.J. den Held. Plantengemeenschappen in Nederland. Thieme & Cie Zutphen 1975. |
3. | Heukels-van Ooststroom. Flora van Nederland. (16th edition), Wolters-Noordhoff, Groningen, 1970 |
4. | Cambridge encyclopedie van de Astronomie, Natuur & Techniek. Maastricht, 1978 |
5. | J.P. Rozelot Solar variability and Climatology. Proc. Symp. Seismology of the Sun and Sun-like Stars. Spain, 1988, ESA SP-286 (December 1988) |
See also : | |
7. | H.D. Foth Fundamentals of Soil Science. Wiley and Sons, New York 1984 |
8. | Moderne Sterrenkunde, stichting Teleac Utrecht 1980/1981
Hoofdstuk 7, Planetenonderzoek blz 184-189 |
Dutch Version : "Planten en Planeten"
Uitgeverij Profiel Postbus 7 9780 AA Bedum The Netherlands (tel ++31-50-301-2144) (fax ++31-50-301-2732) reactions please to htim@planet.nl |